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Achievements Wizard.png Wizards

Within SpellRogue are three playable Achievements Wizard.png Wizards, each with their own loadouts, playstyles, and Elements. There is Symbol Water.png Lapis, the Azure Seer, who uses water and ice to control the ebb and flow of battle, as well as Symbol Earth.png Hazel, the Earth Mage, who shapes rock and plant alike to create impenetrable defenses and produce furious blows, and last, but certainly not least, Symbol Fire.png Azar, the Cinder Conjurer, who wreaks havoc and destruction through hungry infernos and blood magics. Here you will find basic information about each of these playable Wizards.

Symbol Fire.png
Symbol Water.png
Symbol Earth.png
Wizard Select Azar.gif Wizard Select Lapis.gif Wizard Select Hazel.gif


Gameplay: Icon Tutorial.pngQuick Start Guide  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Elite.pngBestiary  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Event.pngEvents  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Scoring.pngScoring  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Book.pngTomes  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Health.pngHealth Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Blessing.pngStatus Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Book.pngUnlocks  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Void1.pngMutations  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Wizard.pngWizards  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Map.pngWorld Map

Spells: Icon Spells.pngAll Spells  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Ignite.pngBuffs & Debuffs  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Lethal.pngCasting Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Charge.pngCharges  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Utility.pngClasses  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Dice.pngMana Dice  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Rare.pngRarities  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Countdown.pngSockets  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Arrow.pngTargeting  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Shard.pngUpgrades

Items: Icon Artifact.pngArtifacts  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Gold.pngGold  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Potion.pngPotions  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Ritual.pngRituals  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Shard.pngShards