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UI Elite.png Bestiary


Within SpellRogue is a large assortment of monsters and creatures intent on ending your Wizards' lives. Ranging from anthropomorphic fungi and animate undergrowth to fiendish devils and eldritch beasts, these enemies come in numerous shapes and sizes and have their own unique combative techniques and strategies. Enemies also come from specific regions in the game: the Deadwoods, the Scorched Desert, and the Void. Enemies' difficulty scales with the region, too, so enemies from the Deadwoods are far weaker than those of the Scorched Desert, and a similar relation is shared between the Scorched Desert and the Void. Apart from which region they come from, enemies have a one of three types: UI Enemy.png Normal, UI Elite.png Elite, and UI Boss.png Boss enemies.

Combat Compositions

On each Enemy's page, you will find a list of which combats you can find them in. The given information represents which enemies each combat will contain, along will the order they are presented from front to rear. Some compositions are random. Some compositions will start with Summoners whose Summons may be specifically or randomly placed in the front or rear position to the combat's Summoner, or Leader. These specifics will be notated in the respective section.


Defeating an encounter with normal enemies will yield Icon Gold.png Gold and a draft of Icon Spells.png Spells, but elite enemies will also give the player an Icon Artifact.png Artifact. Encounters where a boss is fought will give the player Icon Gold.png Gold, a Icon Ritual.png Ritual, and a Boss Icon Artifact.png Artifacts Draft. Additionally, defeating a boss fight will also heal the player for half of their max health. All fights also have a 40% chance to give the player one of many Icon Potion.png Potions. If no potion is found, the chance increases by 30%. Once you acquire a potion, that chance is reduced back to 40%.

Enemies by Biome

UI Elite.png Back to Enemies by Biome

Enemy Abilities

Usually found above the enemy's Health Bar; these effects represent special abilities which benefit the enemy or it's allies, or abilities which weaken the player. You can hover the cursor over each icon or intent to read it's effect, and are able to see calculated changes through the preview & intent systems. Each buff works differently, but often they are static, or are reduced or removed at the end of each turn. Below is a list of abilities used by enemies.


UI Enemy.png — These effects are used by Normal Enemies.
UI Elite.png — These effects are used by Elite Enemies.
UI Boss.png — These effects are used by Boss Enemies.

Term Description Source
Icon Berserker.png Berserker This enemy gains 1 Icon Power.png Power whenever it's attacked by Spells. UI Enemy.png
Icon Brilliance.png Brilliance Focuses on Dealing Damage when Brilliance is active. After taking 25 Damage, flip to Darkness and change intent. UI Boss.png
Icon Broken.png Broken Debuffed Spell cannot be cast until repaired by spending a Icon Dice.png Dice of any value. UI Enemy.png UI Boss.png
Icon Buried.png Buried -2 Icon Damage.png Damage received from attacks while Icon Buried.png Buried. Unburies on next attack. UI Enemy.png
Icon Corruption.png Corruption Applies 1 Icon Broken.png Broken to a random Spell with all attacks. While active; enemy cannot lose more than 200 Icon Health.png Health. UI Boss.png
Icon Crone Eye.png Crone Eye When active~ Enhances the enemies next action considerably. Thrown to another enemy after next action or if the carrying enemy dies. UI Elite.png
Icon Darkness.png Darkness Focuses on applying Debuffs when Darkness is active. After taking 25 Damage, flip to Brilliance and change intent. UI Boss.png
Icon Decay.png Decay Applies 2 Icon Infected.png Infected to a random Spell with all attacks. While active; enemy cannot lose more than 200 Icon Health.png Health. UI Boss.png
Icon Delicate.png Delicate Deal X Icon Damage.png Damage to Icon Stun.png Stun this enemy where X is the amount of Delicate stacked. Stacks replenish plus 10 on the next turn from being depleted. UI Boss.png
Icon Depleting Presence.png Depleting Presence All Icon Spells.png Spells only restore 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge each turn. UI Elite.png
Icon Dice Trap.png Dice Trap When rolling an Symbol DX.png valued Dice which matches the value of the Trap's image, Icon Destroy.png Destroy it. UI Elite.png
Icon Enraged.png Enraged Enemies with Enraged have stronger abilities. UI Enemy.png UI Elite.png UI Boss.png
Icon Frenzy.png Frenzy When wizard casts a Spell, Frenzied enemy gains 1 Icon Fury.png Fury. UI Enemy.png
Icon Fungus Armor.png Fungus Armor Gain X Icon Block.png Block the next time receiving Icon Damage.png Damage where X is the amount of Fungus Armor stacked, then remove Fungus Armor. UI Enemy.png
Icon Grow Armor Fruit.png Grow Armor Fruit When Icon Grow Armor Fruit.png Grow Armor Fruit is active: Enemy's Intent is to Gain 8 Icon Block.png Block. UI Boss.png
Icon Grow Bomb Fruit.png Grow Bomb Fruit When Icon Grow Bomb Fruit.png Grow Bomb Fruit is active: Enemy's Intent is to Deal 8 Icon Damage.png Damage. UI Boss.png
Icon Grow Corruption Fruit.png Grow Corruption Fruit When Icon Grow Corruption Fruit.png Grow Corruption Fruit is active: Enemy's Intent is to Deal 4 Icon Damage.png Damage, Apply 1 Icon Curse.png Curse. UI Boss.png
Icon Grow Shambler.png Grow Shambler Will Spawn a Lesser Shambler next turn, as a Icon Summon.png Summon, unless interrupted by X Icon Damage.png Damage where X is the amount of Grow Shambler stacked. UI Enemy.png
Icon Guard.png Guard Applies Guard to another random enemy. While Guard is active, Targeted Effects are Redirected to the enemy which casts Guard. UI Enemy.png
Icon Hellfire.png Hellfire Applies 1 Icon Ignite.png Ignite to a random Spell with all attacks. While active; enemy cannot lose more than 200 Icon Health.png Health. UI Boss.png
Icon Ignite.png Ignite Receive 2 Icon Damage.png Damage when the Debuffed Spell is cast. UI Enemy.png UI Elite.png UI Boss.png
Icon Illusionary.png Illusionary Spawns a mirror version of itself every turn. Illusions count as Icon Summon.png Summons. Illusions automatically die and are replaced each turn. Illusion's Health is reduced to 1 upon taking any amount damage once. UI Elite.png
Icon Immolate.png Immolate When attacked by a Spell, apply 1 stack of Icon Ignite.png Ignite to that Spell for each hit. UI Enemy.png
Icon Imp Mark.png Imp Mark On Death~ Apply 1 Icon Marked.png Marked to the wizard. UI Enemy.png
Icon Imp Power.png Imp Power On Death~ Transfer all Icon Power.png Power to a random enemy. UI Enemy.png
Icon Infected.png Infected Receive X Icon Damage.png Damage at end of turn where X is the amount of Icon Infected.png Infected stacked. When Debuffed Spell is Cast, Spreads X stacks of Icon Infected.png Infected to another Random Spell. UI Enemy.png UI Elite.png UI Boss.png
Icon Instability.png Instability When an Enemy with Instability dies: Apply 2 Icon Power.png Power to the Enemy Leader. UI Elite.png
Icon Intensify.png Intensify Increases the amount of attacks this enemy performs. UI Elite.png
Icon Invulnerable.png Invulnerable Cannot take damage from conventional methods when active. UI Boss.png
Icon Lifebond.png Lifebond When Enemy loses Icon Health.png Health: Deal Icon Damage.png Damage to Wizard equal to Icon Health Lost.png Health Lost. UI Enemy.png
Icon Malediction.png Malediction Deals 1 Icon Damage.png Damage at start of enemy turn, then doubles the stacks. UI Elite.png
Icon Mana Hunger.png Mana Hunger Leftover Icon Dice.png Dice will be eaten, each reducing stacks by Symbol DX.png where X is the value of the eaten die. At 0 stacks, Icon Stun.png Stun enemy and Gain 1 stack of Icon Critical.png Critical. UI Enemy.png
Icon Nullify.png Nullify Negates all stacks of the next status effect applied. UI Enemy.png
Icon Ooze Split.png Ooze Split Enemy splits itself into Minor versions of itself when it dies. Minor versions will each inherit half the Icon Power.png Power of the original Ooze. UI Enemy.png
Icon Power Aura.png Power Aura Allies deal 2 more Icon Damage.png Damage with attacks while this enemy is alive. UI Enemy.png
Icon Power Trap.png Power Trap When rolling an Symbol DX.png valued Dice which matches the value of the Trap's image, Apply 1 Icon Power.png Power to all enemies. UI Enemy.png
Icon Regenerating Heads.png Regenerating Heads When a Hydra Head is killed~ Body Loses 200 Icon Health.png Health and spawn 2 Randomly Colored Heads as Summons. UI Boss.png
Icon Repulsion.png Repulsion On Spell Cast~ Enemy receives 1 Icon Weak.png Weak. UI Enemy.png
Icon Reshape.png Reshape Unless interrupted by X Icon Damage.png Damage, where X is the amount of Reshape stacked, Enemy will Transform. If transformed, enemy heals 15 Icon Health.png Health, gains 15 Icon Block.png Block, and changes intents. UI Enemy.png
Icon Rupture Trap.png Rupture Trap When rolling an Symbol DX.png valued Dice which matches the value of the Trap's image, apply 1 Icon Rupture.png Rupture per dice rolled with that value. UI Enemy.png
Icon Sanguine.png Sanguine While stacked, Enchant X dice rolled each turn with Icon Blood.png Blood where X is the amount of Icon Sanguine.png Sanguine stacked. UI Elite.png
Icon Shade Armor.png Shade Armor Enemy Gains 4 Icon Block.png Block the next time receiving attack Icon Damage.png Damage. Increased by 1 when triggered. Resets to 4 as start of next turn. UI Enemy.png UI Elite.png UI Boss.png
Icon Silence.png Silenced Enchant next X dice rolled with Icon Silence.png Silence where X is the amount if Silenced stacked. UI Enemy.png
Icon Snare.png Snare Receive 1 Icon Marked.png Marked for each time Debuffed Spell is cast, this turn. UI Enemy.png
Icon Soul Detonation.png Soul Detonation Enemies with Soul Detonation will Explode as their action; Deals Icon Damage.png Damage and kills itself. UI Enemy.png UI Elite.png UI Boss.png
Icon Spell Mirror.png Spell Mirror Redirects the next Targeted Spell back to the wizard. UI Enemy.png
Icon Stun.png Stun Stops the enemy's current intent from occurring. UI Enemy.png UI Elite.png UI Boss.png
Icon Summon.png Summon Enemies with this icon will die if there is no leader/summoner on the board. UI Enemy.png UI Elite.png UI Boss.png
Icon Suppress.png Suppress Apply Icon Broken.png Broken to next X Spells cast where X is the amount of Suppress stacked. Stacks decrease when Casting Spells. UI Enemy.png
Icon Unstable.png Unstable Debuffed Spell Spawns an Instability enemy upon casting. Debuff remains until the Spell is cast or until turn ends. UI Elite.png
Icon Weakness Aura.png Weakness Aura Each Turn, while enemy with Icon Weakness Aura.png Weakness Aura is alive, Wizard receives 2 stacks of Icon Weak.png Weak. UI Enemy.png
Icon Vex.png Vexed Enchant next X dice rolled with Icon Vex.png Vex where X is the amount if Vexed stacked. UI Enemy.png


Gameplay: Icon Tutorial.pngQuick Start Guide  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Elite.pngBestiary  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Event.pngEvents  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Scoring.pngScoring  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Book.pngTomes  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Health.pngHealth Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Blessing.pngStatus Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Book.pngUnlocks  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Void1.pngMutations  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Wizard.pngWizards  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Map.pngWorld Map

Spells: Icon Spells.pngAll Spells  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Ignite.pngBuffs & Debuffs  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Lethal.pngCasting Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Charge.pngCharges  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Utility.pngClasses  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Dice.pngMana Dice  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Rare.pngRarities  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Countdown.pngSockets  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Arrow.pngTargeting  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Shard.pngUpgrades

Items: Icon Artifact.pngArtifacts  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Gold.pngGold  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Potion.pngPotions  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Ritual.pngRituals  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Shard.pngShards