Test Page 2

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Achievements Book.png Unlocks


Here you will find a table of all the unlocks in the game. Each unlock relative to its Wizard or Tome is made available to unlock after clearing the achievement prior to it. Some prompts will track your progress and others require their values be met completely in order to unlock. With multiple open prompts, you are able to progress or unlock more than one achievement at a time. Progress of achievements will accrue whether you achieve victory in your run or not.

Steam Achievements

These tasks in the table below are tied to unlocking Icon Artifact.png Artifacts in the game.

Item Task Name
Icon Artifact.png Runic Infuser Buy 3 Icon Artifact.png Artifacts from a single shop. Greed is Good
Icon Artifact.png Tempus Cast 20 Icon Spells.png Spells in a single turn. Mass Caster
Icon Artifact.png Staff of Splintering Roll 50 Icon Dice.png Dice in a single turn. Archmage
Icon Artifact.png Tablet of Anger Deal 200 Icon Damage.png Damage with a single Icon Spells.png Spell cast. Devastator
Icon Artifact.png Witch Blood Defeat a boss in the first turn of combat. Alpha Strike
Icon Artifact.png Skaal Win a battle with 1 Icon Health.png Health remaining. Lucky Survivor
Icon Artifact.png Crucible Have 6 Symbol Charge.png Charges on a spell. Spell Focus
Icon Artifact.png Bosco's Bell Spend 20+ Icon Dice.png Dice to cast a single Symbol Countdown.png Countdown Icon Spells.png Spell. Countdown Supreme
Icon Artifact.png M'olly Have 25+ available Icon Dice.png Dice. Dice Hoarder
Icon Artifact.png Hexed Crown Win the game in less than 45 minutes. Speed Slinger
Icon Artifact.png Karl's Memory Win the game without losing any Icon Health.png Health. Untouchable
Icon Artifact.png Everguard Win the game at Mutation Stage 6. Voidstar


Gameplay: Icon Tutorial.pngQuick Start Guide  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Elite.pngBestiary  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Event.pngEvents  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Scoring.pngScoring  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Book.pngTomes  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Health.pngHealth Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Blessing.pngStatus Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Book.pngUnlocks  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Void1.pngMutations  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Wizard.pngWizards  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Map.pngWorld Map

Spells: Icon Spells.pngAll Spells  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Ignite.pngBuffs & Debuffs  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Lethal.pngCasting Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Charge.pngCharges  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Utility.pngClasses  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Dice.pngMana Dice  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Rare.pngRarities  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Countdown.pngSockets  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Arrow.pngTargeting  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Shard.pngUpgrades

Items: Icon Artifact.pngArtifacts  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Gold.pngGold  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Potion.pngPotions  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Ritual.pngRituals  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Shard.pngShards