World Map

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Symbol Map.png World Map


  • This Biome has a total of 11 nodes, the first of which is the Icon Artifact.png Starter Artifact.
  • You will also find UI Enemy.png Normal & UI Elite.png Elite enemy nodes, as well as a UI Boss.png Boss node here.
  • You will also find UI Event.png Event, UI Shard.png Shard, UI Shop.png Shop, & UI Sanctuary.png Sanctuary nodes here.

Scorched Desert

  • This Biome has a total of 11 nodes.
  • This Biome has a UI Shard.png Shard node as the first node.
  • You will also find UI Enemy.png Normal & UI Elite.png Elite enemy nodes, as well as a UI Boss.png Boss node here.
  • You will also find UI Event.png Event, UI Shop.png Shop & UI Sanctuary.png Sanctuary nodes here and a single Icon Ritual.png Ritual node.

The Void

  • This Biome has a total of 11 nodes.
  • This Biome has a UI Shard.png Shard node as the first node.
  • You will also find UI Enemy.png Normal & UI Elite.png Elite enemy nodes, as well as a UI Boss.png Boss node here.
  • You will also find UI Event.png Event, UI Shop.png Shop & UI Sanctuary.png Sanctuary nodes here and a single Icon Ritual.png Ritual node.

Combat Encounters

UI Enemy.png Normal

  • Rewards a Icon Spells.png Spells Draft, Icon Gold.png Gold, and a chance to gain a Random Icon Potion.png Potion.
  • Reroll Icon Spells.png Spells for 15 Icon Gold.png Gold
  • See Bestiary page for more information about individual enemies and their abilities.

UI Elite.png Elite

UI Boss.png Boss


Icon Artifact.png Starter Artifact

"Choose and gain a starter Icon Artifact.png Artifact."

World Map Starter.png

UI Event.png Events

"Random Special Event."

World Map Event.png

  • A choice is possible from a selection of 3 proposals.
  • All UI Event.png Events are listed on this page.

UI Shop.png Shop

"Spend your Icon Gold.png Gold to buy Icon Spells.png Spells, Icon Artifact.png Artifacts, or Icon Potion.png Potions."

World Map Shop.png

  • Selection of 4 Normal Icon Artifact.png Artifacts
    • All Artifacts cost 100 ± 15 Icon Gold.png Gold.

Selling Spells

  • While in a Shop, you are able to sell your extra Spells for 15 Icon Gold.png Gold.
  • Selling an Upgraded Spell returns its UI Shard.png Shard.

UI Sanctuary.png Sanctuary

"Choose from a selection of gifts."

World Map Sanctuary.png

Icon Disenchant.png Disenchanting an upgraded Spell will also remove its UI Shard.png Shard and return it to your pocket.
Disenchanted Spells are destroyed, but there's a chance to find these Spells again in Spell drafts.

UI Shard.png Unguarded Shard

"An unguarded impact crater."

World Map Shard.png

  • First node in Act 2 and Act 3. Three other nodes are randomly placed in each Act.
  • Provides 1 free UI Shard.png Shard; used to upgrade your Icon Spells.png Spells.

UI Ritual.png Ritual Draft

"Choose and gain a UI Ritual.png Ritual."

World Map Ritual.png

  • A single node can be found in Act 2 and Act 3.
  • Choose one of 3 UI Ritual.pngRituals. If you already have 2 Rituals, you will be prompted to replace an existing one.
  • Reroll for 40 Icon Gold.png Gold.


Gameplay: Icon Tutorial.pngQuick Start Guide  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Elite.pngBestiary  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Event.pngEvents  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Scoring.pngScoring  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Book.pngTomes  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Health.pngHealth Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Blessing.pngStatus Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Book.pngUnlocks  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Void1.pngMutations  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Wizard.pngWizards  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Map.pngWorld Map

Spells: Icon Spells.pngAll Spells  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Ignite.pngBuffs & Debuffs  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Lethal.pngCasting Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Charge.pngCharges  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Utility.pngClasses  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Dice.pngMana Dice  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Rare.pngRarities  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Rune.pngRunes  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Countdown.pngSockets  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Arrow.pngTargeting  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Shard.pngUpgrades

Items: Icon Artifact.pngArtifacts  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Gold.pngGold  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Potion.pngPotions  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Ritual.pngRituals  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Shard.pngShards