Casting Effects

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Icon Lethal.png Casting Effects

Within the game are various unique effects that occur when casting your Spells. These effects will always be expressed in the respective Spell's description and tooltips.
Here you will find a list of those effects and their corresponding Spells & Items.


This effect will cast a Spell without costing Icon Dice.png Dice and spends a Symbol Charge.png Charge.
Also targets Symbol Unrestorable.png Unrestorable Spells.

Symbol Void.png Void

  • Darkstar: Autocast when an Symbol Attack.png Attack Spell is played: Deal 2 Icon Damage.png Damage to a Random Target.
    • Upgrade A: Autocast when a Symbol Defense.png Defense spell is played.
    • Upgrade B: Provides Infinite Symbol Charge.png Charges.

Icon Artifact.png Artifacts


This effect will remove all Symbol Charge.png Charges from the affected Spell.

Symbol Earth.png Earth

  • Emanate: Icon Deplete.png Deplete target Spell of all charges: Deal 3 Icon Damage.png Damage to Front enemy for each Symbol Charge.png Charge removed.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Icon Damage.png Damage dealt per Symbol Charge.png Charge removed by 3.
    • Upgrade B: Convert Symbol Countdown.png Countdown Socket to Even Socket.

  • Morphosis: Icon Deplete.png Deplete target Spell: Gain 1 Icon Power.png Power for each Symbol Charge.png Charge removed.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Icon Power.png Power gained per Symbol Charge.png Charge removed by 1. Increase Symbol Countdown.png Countdown cost to 12.
    • Upgrade B: Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to spell permanently. Convert Symbol Countdown.png Countdown Socket to Mana Socket.

  • Transfigure: Icon Deplete.png Deplete Target Spell of all Symbol Charge.png Charges: Gain 3 Icon Block.png Block for each Symbol Charge.png Charge removed.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Icon Block.png Block gained per Symbol Charge.png Charge removed by 2.
    • Upgrade B: Add 3 Symbol Charge.png Charges to spell permanently.

Icon Artifact.png Artifacts


This effect triggers when the respective Spell reaches 0 Symbol Charge.png Charges.
Effects that would Increase Charges on an already Icon Depleted.png Depleted Spell will allow you to trigger the respective Spell's Icon Depleted.png Depleted effect again.

Symbol Fire.png Fire

Symbol Water.png Water

  • Chill Core: Gain 3 Icon Block.png Block. When Icon Depleted.png Depleted: Apply 3 Icon Weak.png Weak to all enemies.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Icon Weak.png Weak applied by 2.
    • Upgrade B: Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to spell permanently. Increase base Icon Block.png Block gained by 3.

Symbol Earth.png Earth

  • Bloom Bolt: Deal 4 Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy. Increase Icon Damage.png Damage dealt by 2 for each Symbol D6.png valued die rolled this combat.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Icon Damage.png Damage gained per Symbol D6.png rolled by 2.
    • Upgrade B: When Icon Depleted.png Depleted: Roll a dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png.

  • Oaken Self: Gain Symbol DX.png + Symbol DX.png Block.
    • Upgrade A: When dice spent equal to a sum of 10 or more: Roll a die valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png.
    • Upgrade B: When Icon Depleted.png Depleted: Gain 1 Icon Blessing.png Blessing.

  • Rockslide: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Target Enemy where X is the value of the die spent to cast. When Icon Depleted.png Depleted: Roll a die valued at Symbol D1.png.
    • Starter Spells do not have upgrades.

Icon Artifact.png Artifacts

UI Ritual.png Rituals

UI Rune.png Runes


This effect counts every Icon Dice.png Dice inserted into the respective Socket, using the total amount of Icon Dice.png Dice upon casting as an integer for the condition.
Using any item or method other than Icon Dice.png Dice to cast these Spells will not trigger the effect.

Symbol Fire.png Fire

  • Blaze: Deal 4 Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy. Increase by 2 for each Icon Dice.png Dice spent.
    • Starer Spells don't have upgrades

  • Meteor: Deal 24 Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy. Decrease by 2 for each Icon Dice.png Dice spent.
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Icon Damage.png Damage by 8.
    • Upgrade B: Spending Icon Dice.png Dice no longer decreases Icon Damage.png Damage dealt.

  • Pyre: Gain 4 Icon Block.png Block. If 4 or more Icon Dice.png Dice are spent to cast: Gain 2 Icon Power.png Power
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Icon Block.png Block gained by 4.
    • Upgrade B: Increase Icon Power.png Power gained by 1.

  • Roaring Embers: Deal 2 Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy. Increase by 4 for each Icon Dice.png Dice Spent.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Icon Damage.png Damage per Icon Dice.png Dice spent by 2, for a total of 6.
    • Upgrade B: Add 2 Symbol Charge.png Charges to spell permanently.

  • Searing Heat: Apply 2 Icon Weak.png Weak to Target enemy. Increase by 1 for each Icon Dice.png Dice spent.
    • Starer Spells don't have upgrades

  • Wildblaze Orb: Deal 4 Icon Damage.png Damage to a Random enemy. Hit once for each Icon Dice.png Dice Spent.
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Icon Damage.png Damage dealt by 2, for a total of 6 per hit.
    • Upgrade B: Add 3 Symbol Charge.png Charges to spell and Convert Charges to Symbol Unrestorable.png Unrestorable permanently.


This effect will deal a specified amount of Icon Damage.png Damage with each strike where X is the amount of strikes notated in the Spells description.
Status Effects that would increase Icon Damage.png Damage dealt will count towards each strike.

Symbol Fire.png Fire

  • Bombard: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage 2 times to Rear opponent.
    • Upgrade A: Deal Icon Damage.png Damage 3 times.
    • Upgrade B: Increase Mana Socket to accept Icon Dice.png Dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png.

Symbol Water.png Water

  • Diminishing Blade: Deal 8 Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy 2 times. Decrease Icon Damage.png Damage of this spell by 2 for the remainder of this combat.
    • Upgrade A: Hit 3 times per cast. Increase Socket Cost from 6 to 8.
    • Upgrade B: Increase base Icon Damage.png Damage dealt by 4. Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to spell permanently.

  • Inner Storm: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to a Random Enemy 2 times, where X is the value of the Icon Dice.png Dice spent to cast.
    • Upgrade A: Add 2 Symbol Charge.png Charges to Spell permanently.
    • Upgrade B: Gain Symbol DX.png Block where X is the value of the Icon Dice.png Dice spent to cast.

Symbol Earth.png Earth

  • Earth Bane: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy, where X is the value of the die spent to cast. When spending a Symbol D1.png valued die, gain 1 Icon Barrier.png Barrier.
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Damage by 3. Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to spell permanently.
    • Upgrade B: Hits twice.

  • Pox Flare: Deal 6 Symbol DX.png and apply 1 Icon Pox.png Pox to Target enemy.
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Icon Pox.png Pox applied by 1.
    • Upgrade B: Hits Twice. Remove 1 Symbol Charge.png of this spell permanently.

  • Spirit Arrows: Deal 1 Icon Damage.png Damage to a Random enemy Symbol DX.png times where X is the value of the die spent to cast.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Mana Socket to accept die valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D5.png.
    • Upgrade B: Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to spell permanently.

  • Wild Strikes: Deal 3 Icon Damage.png Damage 3 times to Front enemy.
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Icon Damage.png Damage dealt per hit by 5.
    • Upgrade B: Hit a total of 5 times. Increase Symbol Countdown.png Countdown cost from 8 to 13.


This effect triggers when killing an enemy that is not considered a Icon Summon.png Summon.

Symbol Fire.png Fire

Symbol Earth.png Earth

  • Growing Blade: Deal 7 Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy. If Icon Lethal.png Lethal: Permanently Increase Icon Damage.png Damage of this Spell by 1.
    • Upgrade A: Convert Symbol Countdown.png Countdown Socket to Mana Socket.
    • Upgrade B: Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to spell permanently.

  • Killshot: Deal 7 Icon Damage.png Damage to Target Enemy. If attack is Icon Lethal.png Lethal: Roll a dice valued from Symbol D5.png to Symbol D6.png.
    • Upgrade A: Roll 2 dice valued from Symbol D5.png to Symbol D6.png.
    • Upgrade B: Increase base Icon Damage.png Damage dealt by 5.

Symbol Void.png Void


A dice symbol with an Symbol DX.png in the Spell's description will use the value of the dice spent to cast as its integer.

Symbol Fire.png Fire

  • Charcoal Dagger: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage and apply 1 Icon Rupture.png Rupture to Target enemy, where X is the value of the die spent.
    • Upgrade A: Add 2 Symbol Charge.png Charges to Spell permanently.
    • Upgrade B: Increase Icon Rupture.png Rupture applied from 1 to 2

  • Cinder Swipe: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy, where X is the value of the dice spent to cast. If target is attacking: Reroll Icon Dice.png Dice.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Mana Socket to accept Icon Dice.png Dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png.
    • Upgrade B: Increase base Icon Damage.png Damage by 3.

  • Inferno: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy, where X is the value of the spent die. Gain 1 Icon Banefire.png Banefire.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Icon Banefire.png Banefire gained from 1 to 3. Reduce Socket to accept dice valued only from Symbol D3.png to Symbol D4.png.
    • Upgrade B: Increase base Icon Damage.png Damage by 4.

  • Sunshield: Gain Symbol DX.png Icon Block.png Block where X is the value of the die spent to cast. Gain 1 Icon Radiant.png Radiant.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Icon Radiant.png Radiant gained from 1 to 2.
    • Upgrade B: Increase Socket to accept dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png. Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to spell permanently.

Symbol Water.png Water

  • Aqua Fortis: Gain Symbol DX.png Icon Block.png Block where X is the value of the dice spent to cast.
    • Starter Spells do not have upgrades.

  • Arctic Point: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy, where X is the value of the dice spent to cast. Reroll lowest unspent Die.
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Icon Damage.png Damage by 4.
    • Upgrade B: Add 2 Symbol Charge.png Charges to spell permanently.

  • Chemical Reaction: Remove Symbol DX.png Icon Poison.png Poison on Target Unit where X is the value of the dice spent to cast. Apply 2 Icon Weak.png Weak for each Icon Poison.png Poison stack removed.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Icon Weak.png Weak applied per Icon Poison.png Poison removed from 2 to 3.
    • Upgrade B: Increase Mana Socket to accept Icon Dice.png Dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D5.png.

  • Chilling Touch: Deal x2 Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy, where X is the value of the dice spent to cast.
    • Starter Spells do not have upgrades.

  • Crashing Wave: Deal Symbol DX.png + Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to All enemies, where X is the value of the dice spent to cast.
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Icon Damage.png Damage dealt by 4.
    • Upgrade B: Add 2 Symbol Charge.png Charges to spell permanently.

  • Encase Azur: Holds Icon Dice.png Dice until next turn. End of Turn; Gain Symbol DX.png Icon Block.png Block where X is the value of the Held die.
    • Upgrade A: Convert Single Mana Socket to Dual Mana Socket.
    • Upgrade B: Gain X Icon Delayed Block.png Delayed Block where X is the value of the Held die.

  • Frost Ray: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy, where X is the value of the dice spent to cast.
    • Starter Spells do not have upgrades.

  • Ice Spear: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy, where X is the value of the dice spent to cast.
    • Starter Spells do not have upgrades.

  • Inner Storm: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to a Random Enemy 2 times, where X is the value of the dice spent to cast.
    • Upgrade A: Hits one additional time, for a total of 3.
    • Upgrade B: Gain Symbol DX.png Icon Block.png Block where X is the value of the dice spent to cast.

  • Multi Jet: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to both Front and Rear Enemy where X is the value of the dice spent to cast.
    • Upgrade A: When spending a Symbol D1.png, Roll an "Even" valued die
    • Upgrade B: Deal 2x Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage instead.

  • Overchill: Gain Symbol DX.png + 1 Icon Block.png Block where X is the value of the die spent to cast.

  • Replenish Azur: Gain Symbol DX.png Icon Block.png Block where X is the value of the die spent to cast. Reroll spent die.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Mana Socket to accept Icon Dice.png Dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D4.png.
    • Upgrade B: When Gaining Icon Foresight.png Foresight: Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to this spell for one turn.

  • Sea Ward: Gain 2x Symbol DX.png Icon Block.png Block where X is the value of the die spent to cast.
    • Upgrade A: Convert to 3x Symbol DX.png Icon Block.png Block.
    • Upgrade B: Gain Symbol DX.png Icon Fury.png Fury where X is the value of the die spent to cast.

  • Hydroclasp: Gain Symbol DX.png Icon Block.png Block where X is the value of the dice spent to cast.
    • Starter Spells do not have upgrades.

  • Tether Azur: Holds Icon Dice.png Dice until next turn. End of Turn; Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Front enemy, where X is the value of the Held die.
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Icon Damage.png Damage dealt by 6.
    • Upgrade B: Convert Single Mana Socket to Dual Mana Socket.

  • Twisted Geyser: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage and apply 1 Icon Poison.png Poison to Target enemy, where X is the value of the die spent to cast.
    • Upgrade A: Deal 2x Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage. Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to spell permanently.
    • Upgrade B: Increase base Icon Poison.png Poison applied by 2.

Symbol Earth.png Earth

  • Cultivate Might: When spending Odd valued Icon Dice.png Dice: Gain Symbol DX.png Icon Block.png Block where X is the value of the die spent to cast. When spending Even valued Icon Dice.png Dice: Gain 1 Icon Power.png Power.
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Icon Block.png Block gained by 3.
    • Upgrade B: Increase Mana Socket to accept Icon Dice.png Dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png.

  • Earth Spike: Deal Symbol DX.png +1 Icon Damage.png Damage to Front Enemy where X is the value of the die spent to cast.
    • Starter Spells do not have upgrades.

  • Earthsong: Symbol DX.png + 1 Value to Target Icon Dice.png Dice.
    • Signature Spells do not have upgrades.

  • Fleeting Might: Gain Symbol DX.png Icon Power.png Power where X is the value of the die spent to cast. Receive Symbol DX.png Icon Drain.png Drain where X is the value of the die spent to cast.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Socket to accept Icon Dice.png Dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png.
    • Upgrade B: Increase base Icon Power.png Power gained by 1.

  • Force of Nature: When spending Odd valued Icon Dice.png Dice: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy. When spending Even valued Icon Dice.png Dice: Gain Symbol DX.png Icon Block.png Block. (where X is the value of the die spent to cast)
    • Upgrade A: Apply 2x multiplier to both Icon Damage.png Damage and Icon Block.png Block effects.
    • Upgrade B: Remove "Odd" & "Even" condition, applying both Icon Block.png Block and Icon Damage.png Damage with a single die.

  • Gleaming Exterior: Gain Symbol DX.png Icon Block.png Block where X is the value of the dice spent to cast.
    • Upgrade A: Gain 2x Symbol DX.png Icon Block.png Block.
    • Upgrade B: Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to spell permanently.

  • Rockslide: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Target Enemy where X is the value of the die spent to cast. When Icon Depleted.png Depleted: Roll a die valued at Symbol D1.png.
    • Starter Spells do not have upgrades.

  • Spirit Arrows: Deal 1 Icon Damage.png Damage to a Random enemy Symbol DX.png times where X is the value of the die spent to cast.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Mana Socket to accept die valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png.
    • Upgrade B: Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to spell permanently.

  • Spring to Action: Gain Symbol DX.png Icon Block.png Block where X is the value of the die spent to cast. Start of 1st Turn: Gain 1 Icon Power.png Power.
    • Upgrade A: Gain 2x Symbol DX.png Icon Block.png Block. Remove 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge permanently.
    • Upgrade B: Increase base Icon Power.png Power gained by 2.

  • Tremor: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy, where X is the value of the die used to cast.
    • Starter Spells do not have upgrades.

Symbol Void.png Void

  • Amalgamate: Merge spent dice. Gain 4 Icon Block.png Block.
    • Increase Icon Block.png Block gained by 4.
    • Deal Symbol DX.png + Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Random enemy, where X is the value of the Dice used to cast.

Icon Artifact.png Artifacts

  • Icon Seashell Wand.png Seashell Wand: Every 3rd Turn~ Autocast rightmost playable Spell, using highest possible value for Socket cost and Symbol DX.png Dice effects.
  • Icon Demonic Seal.png Demonic Seal: Start of each turn: gain Demonic Gift. Demonic Gift: When a Icon Dice.png Dice rolls Symbol DX.png, apply 1 Icon Rupture.png Rupture to all enemies. Symbol DX.png is chosen at random each turn.
  • Icon Prejudice.png Prejudice: Cast 10 Icon Spells.png Spells: Enchant a Random Dice with Icon Icy.png Icy. When Spent in a Spell, Gain Symbol DX.png Icon Fury.png Fury where X is the value of the Enchanted die.

UI Ritual.png Rituals

Icon Lethal.png Back to Top


Gameplay: Icon Tutorial.pngQuick Start Guide  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Elite.pngBestiary  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Event.pngEvents  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Scoring.pngScoring  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Book.pngTomes  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Health.pngHealth Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Blessing.pngStatus Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Book.pngUnlocks  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Void1.pngMutations  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Wizard.pngWizards  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Map.pngWorld Map

Spells: Icon Spells.pngAll Spells  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Ignite.pngBuffs & Debuffs  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Lethal.pngCasting Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Charge.pngCharges  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Utility.pngClasses  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Dice.pngMana Dice  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Rare.pngRarities  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Rune.pngRunes  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Countdown.pngSockets  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Arrow.pngTargeting  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Shard.pngUpgrades

Items: Icon Artifact.pngArtifacts  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Gold.pngGold  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Potion.pngPotions  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Ritual.pngRituals  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Shard.pngShards