Mana Dice

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Icon Dice.png Mana Dice


Mana Dice are the main resource for casting Spells. Like standard Icon Dice.png Dice, each is rolled for a value between Symbol D1.png and Symbol D6.png. The Icon Dice.png Dice Symbol found left of the players Dice Tray will denote how many dice are rolled per turn. Any Dice left in the tray at end of turn are Destroyed, though there are Icon Artifact.png Artifacts and Enchantments that allow them to Persist between rounds. There are also several dice manipulating effects found in all types of items of the game. Some will reroll the respective dice, some will increase its value, among other effects. Specific effects are notated in the descriptions of the respective item.


All three Wizards start with a base of 3 Icon Dice.png Dice per turn. There are ways to increase the number of Dice available; Boss Artifacts for example, will often provide additional dice per turn, and are collected by clearing the final Boss encounter of the first two Acts. Additionally, Icon Spells.png Spells can increase the amount temporarily with Icon Foresight.png Foresight or Icon Potency.png Potency. Conversely, there are ways to reduce dice per turn, either for added effects per turn or to challenge yourself and bank a higher score upon victory. Below is a list of artifacts which will provide buffs or debuffs to the available Dice.

Dice Available.gif

Icon Artifact.png Buffs or debuffs to the available dice


You will find several different enchantments for Dice in the game as well. The respective die receives a special attribute that is triggered by conditions notated in the affecting item's description. Some help and some hurt, and some that would hurt sometimes help with the right approach. Enchantments do not stack, but will replace one another.

Enchantment Image Effect Targets: Element Sources
Icon Blood.png Blood
Blood Enchant.png
When inserted into a Spell: Heal a Random damaged enemy for 2x Symbol DX.png Icon Health.png Health where X is the value of the enchanted Icon Dice.png Dice. Enemy Bestiary: Dreamweaver
Icon Energized.png Energized
Energized Enchant.png
When inserted into a Spell: Increase that Spell's Icon Damage.png Damage & Icon Block.png Block by Symbol DX.png where X is the value of the enchanted Icon Dice.png Dice. Spells Ritual: Spell Catalyst
Icon Ether.png Ether
Ether Enchant1.png
Enchanted Icon Dice.png Dice persists for one round. Start of next turn:
Reduce Countdown of a random spell for one cast by Symbol DX.png, where X is the value of the enchanted Icon Dice.png Dice, then remove Ether.
Spell: Ether Echo
Artifact: Etherweave, Bosco's Bell
Icon Glimmer.png Glimmer
Glimmer Enchant.png
When enchanted die is spent in Spell: +1 Value to another random Icon Dice.png Dice. Mana Dice
Spell: Gleaming Mana, Flourish
Artifact: Shimmering Totem
Icon Icy.png Icy
Icy Enchant.png
When enchanted die is spent in Spell: Gain Symbol DX.png Icon Block.png Block, where X is the value of the enchanted Icon Dice.png Dice. Wizard
Spell: Cryogenesis, Cold Snap, Akashic Aqua
Artifact: Prejudice
Ritual: Ossuary's Touch
Icon Lathspell.png Lathspell
Lathspell Enchant1.png
When enchanted die is spent in Spell; Restore Symbol DX.png Symbol Charge.png Restorable Charge to that spell, then remove enchantment. Spells Ritual: Lathspell
Icon Manifold.png Manifold
Manifold Enchant.png
2x Value in Symbol Countdown.png Countdown Sockets and X Open Value effects. Spells Ritual: Manifold Gatestone
Potion: Plurality Philter
Icon Remnant.png Remnant
Remnant Enchant.png
When spent in a Icon Spells.png Spell, deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to a random enemy, then Remnant jumps to a random non-enchanted Dice. Enemy Ritual: Mana Vestige
Icon Sapling.png Sapling
Sapling Enchant.png
This Die Persists for one round. +3 Value to Icon Sapling.png Sapling Icon Dice.png Dice at the start of the next turn, then remove Sapling. Mana Dice
Spell: Blossom, Graft Mana
Artifact: Gaia's Grasp
Ritual: Cultivation
Icon Silence.png Silence
Silence Enchant.png
When enchanted die is spent in Spells: Apply 2 Icon Mute.png Mute to that Spell. Spells Bestiary: Will-o'-Wisp, Desert Spirit.
Icon Stygian.png Stygian
Stygian Enchant.png
This Icon Dice.png Dice Persists
Attacks the Front Enemy at end of turn for its value as Icon Damage.png Damage.
Artifact: Cube of Darkness
Spell: Styx
Icon Vex.png Vex
Vex Enchant.png
When spent in Spell: -1 Value to all Icon Dice.png Dice. Mana Dice
Artifact: Hex Robes
Spell: Strange Presence
Mutations: Major Vex.
Runes: Mana Rune
Icon Wound.png Wound
Wound Enchant.png
When spent in Spell, Lose Health equal to 1/2 of the value of the Icon Wound.png Wound Dice spent to cast (rounded up). Wizard
Spell: Hurt, Mutilation, Demean
Rituals: Lifelock
Mutations: Bloodletting.

Icon Dice.png Back to Top

Dice Manipulators


Removes available Icon Dice.png Dice from the Dice Tray.
Dice that are being held in Sockets will not be targeted.

Symbol Spells.png Spells

Symbol Fire.png Fire

  • Detonation: Icon Destroy.png Destroy All unspent Dice. Deal 4 Icon Damage.png Damage to Front enemy for each Dice Destroyed.
    • Upgrade A: Convert Symbol Countdown.png Countdown Socket to Mana Socket.
    • Upgrade B: Increase Icon Damage.png Damage dealt per dice Destroyed by 2, for a total of 6.

  • Emberstorm: Roll 3 Icon Dice.png Dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D2.png. Icon Destroy.png Destroy a random Icon Dice.png Dice.
    • Upgrade A: Roll 3 Icon Dice.png Dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png instead.
    • Upgrade B: Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to this spell permanently.

  • Sacrifice: Icon Destroy.png Destroy target unspent Icon Dice.png Dice. All other spells receive -3 Symbol Countdown.png Countdown cost for one cast.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Symbol Countdown.png Countdown cost reduction by 2, for a total of 5.
    • Upgrade B: Add 2 Symbol Charge.png Charges to spell permanently.

Icon Artifact.png Artifacts

UI Ritual.png Rituals

UI Elite.png Bestiary

UI Void1.png Mutations


Duplicate will produce a copy of the die spent to cast and return them to the Icon Dice.png Dice tray.
If an enchanted die is duplicated, all resulting dice will carry the enchantment (Exception: Lathspell).

Symbol Spells.png Spells

Symbol Void.png Void

  • Mana Symmetry: Duplicate spent Icon Dice.png Dice
    • Upgrade A: Increase Mana Socket to accept dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png.
    • Upgrade B: Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to this Spell permanently.


Turns the die over on it's opposite side and Returns it to the Dice Tray.
The opposite sides of Icon Dice.png Dice always equal 7 when added together;
Turns Symbol D1.png to a Symbol D6.png, Symbol D2.png to a Symbol D5.png, Symbol D3.png to a Symbol D4.png, and vice versa.
If an enchanted die is Flipped by a Spell, its enchantment will remain intact upon returning to the Dice Tray (Exception: Lathspell).

Symbol Spells.png Spells

Symbol Water.png Water

UI Ritual.png Rituals


Retains Icon Dice.png Dice after ending your turn. Held Icon Dice.png Dice return to tray at start of next turn.
Effects that would target Dice in the Dice Tray will not affect Dice held within the respective Spell's Socket(s).
If an enchanted die held, its enchantment will remain through to the next turn, but its effect will not occur. (Exception: Energized)

Symbol Spells.png Spells

Symbol Water.png Water


Combines the value of two Icon Dice.png Dice.
If the total value of Merged Icon Dice.png Dice is 6 or less, the two spent dice will become one die, carrying the value of both.
If the total value of Merged Icon Dice.png Dice is 7 or more, both dice will be retained; one will be raised to a Symbol D6.png and the other will carry the excess.
If spending dice with at least one Enchantment, the resulting die or dice will carry the Enchantment. (Exception: Lathspell)
If spending dice with 2 different enchantments, the resulting enchantment will be selected randomly.

Symbol Spells.png Spells

Symbol Void.png Void

  • Amalgamate: Merge spent dice. Gain 4 Icon Block.png Block.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Icon Block.png Block gained by 4.
    • Upgrade B: Deal Symbol DX.png + Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Random enemy, where X is the value of the Dice used to cast.


Through specified conditions or enchantments, Icon Dice.png Dice are able to remain in the Dice tray between turns.

Symbol Spells.png Spells

Symbol Void.png Void

  • Ether Echo: Return Dice Enchanted with Icon Ether.png Ether.
    • Upgrade A: Add 2 Symbol Unrestorable.png Charges to Spell permanently.
    • Upgrade B: Increase Mana Socket to accept die valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png.

Icon Artifact.png Artifacts

UI Ritual.png Rituals


Spells with the term "Return" will reproduce the spent die to the Dice Tray with the given condition.
If an enchanted die is Returned, the enchantment will remain upon returning to the dice tray (Exception: Lathspell).

Symbol Spells.png Spells

Symbol Fire.png Fire

Symbol Water.png Water

Symbol Earth.png Earth

  • Regrowth: Return Icon Dice.png Dice with +1 Value.
    • Signature Spells do not have upgrades

  • Infuse Scales: Gain Symbol DX.png Icon Block.png Block. Return Icon Dice.png Dice with -2 Value.
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Icon Block.png Block gained by 1. Return Icon Dice.png Dice with -1 Value.
    • Upgrade B: Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to spell permanently.

  • Nurture: Return spent Icon Dice.png Dice with +2 Value.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Value applied to Icon Dice.png Dice from 2 to 3.
    • Upgrade B: Increase Mana Socket to accept die valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D4.png.

  • Onslaught: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy, where X is the value of the Icon Dice.png Dice spent to cast. If Target is Icon Marked.png Marked: Return spent Icon Dice.png Dice with -1 Value.
    • Upgrade A: Instead, Increase value of spent die by +1.
    • Upgrade B: Add 2 Symbol Charge.png Charges to Spell permanently.

  • Pulverize: Deal 4 Icon Damage.png Damage to Front enemy. Return spent Icon Dice.png Dice with -3 Value.
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Icon Damage.png Damage dealt by 2. Return spent Icon Dice.png Dice with -2 Value.
    • Upgrade B: Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to Spell permanently.

Symbol Void.png Void

  • Ether Echo: Return Icon Dice.png Dice Enchanted with Icon Ether.png Ether.
    • Upgrade A: Add 2 Symbol Unrestorable.png Charges to Spell permanently.
    • Upgrade B: Increase Mana Socket to accept Icon Dice.png Dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png.


Rerolling will not spend the used die, and instead be randomly rolled for a value of Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png (unless the resulting value is specified in the respective item's description) and be sent back to the dice tray.
If an Enchanted die is Rerolled, its enchantment will be preserved (Exception: Lathspell).

Symbol Spells.png Spells

Symbol Fire.png Fire

  • Cinder Swipe: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy, where X is the value of the Icon Dice.png Dice spent to cast. If target is attacking: Reroll Dice.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Mana Socket to accept dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png.
    • Upgrade B: Increase base Icon Damage.png Damage by 3.

Symbol Water.png Water

  • Arctic Point: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy, where X is the value of the dice spent to cast. Reroll lowest unspent Die.
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Icon Damage.png Damage by 4.
    • Upgrade B: Add 2 Symbol Charge.png Charges to spell permanently.

  • Sleet Sky: Gain 1 Icon Hailstorm.png Hailstorm. Reroll Dice.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Mana Socket to accept dice valued from Symbol D2.png to Symbol D6.png.
    • Upgrade B: Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to spell permanently.

  • Replenish Azur: Gain Symbol DX.png Icon Block.png Block where X is the value of the Icon Dice.png Dice spent to cast. Reroll spent die.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Mana Socket to accept dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D4.png.
    • Upgrade B: When gaining Icon Foresight.png Foresight: Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to this spell for one turn.

Symbol Earth.png Earth

Symbol Void.png Void

  • Omniscience: Reroll spent die. Gain 1 Icon Foresight.png Foresight.
    • Upgrade A: Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to spell permanently.
    • Upgrade B: Increase Mana Socket to accept dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png.

Icon Artifact.png Artifacts

Icon Potion.png Potions

UI Ritual.png Rituals


This effect will simply roll dice. When found on a spell, casting will spend the used Die and provide a new one, randomly rolled at a value of Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png (unless the resulting value is specified in the respective item's description).

Symbol Spells.png Spells

Symbol Fire.png Fire

  • Emberstorm: Roll 3 Icon Dice.png Dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D2.png. Icon Destroy.png Destroy a random Icon Dice.png Dice.
    • Upgrade A: Roll 3 Icon Dice.png Dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png instead.
    • Upgrade B: Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to this spell permanently.

  • Heatwave: Apply 2 Icon Weak.png Weak to All enemies. Roll a Icon Dice.png Dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D2.png.
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Icon Weak.png Weak applied by 2.
    • Upgrade B: Roll 2 Icon Dice.png Dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D2.png.

  • Infused Shield: Gain 3 Icon Block.png Block. When spending a Symbol D3.png valued die; Roll a die valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D2.png.
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Icon Block.png Block from 3 to 6.
    • Upgrade B: When spending a Symbol D3.png valued die; Roll a die valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png.

  • Kindle: Roll a Icon Dice.png Dice valued from Symbol D5.png to Symbol D6.png.
    • Upgrade A: Roll 2 Icon Dice.png Dice valued from Symbol D5.png to Symbol D6.png. Increase Symbol Countdown.png Countdown cost from 2 to 6.
    • Upgrade B: Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to this spell permanently.

  • Nourish Flames: +2 Symbol Countdown.png Countdown cost to target spell for one cast. Roll 2 Icon Dice.png Dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D2.png.
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Icon Weak.png Weak applied by 2.
    • Upgrade B: Roll 2 Dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D2.png.

Symbol Water.png Water

  • Grasp Flow: Gain 1 Icon Block.png Block. Roll an Odd valued die.
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Icon Block.png Block gained by 3.
    • Upgrade B: Roll an Even valued Icon Dice.png Dice. Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to spell permanently.

  • Ice Blast: Deal 9 Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy. When the Icon Dice.png Dice spent are equal to a value of 7: Roll a Icon Dice.png Dice.
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Icon Damage.png Damage dealt by 5.
    • Upgrade B: Apply 2 Icon Weak.png Weak to Target enemy.

  • Multi Jet: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to both Front and Rear Enemy where X is the value of the dice spent to cast.
    • Upgrade A: When spending a Symbol D1.png, Roll an "Even" valued die
    • Upgrade B: Deal 2x Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage instead.

Symbol Earth.png Earth

  • Bloom Bolt: Deal 4 Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy. Increase Icon Damage.png Damage dealt by 2 for each Symbol D6.png valued die rolled this combat.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Icon Damage.png Damage gained per Symbol D6.png rolled by 2.
    • Upgrade B: When Icon Depleted.png Depleted: Roll a Icon Dice.png Dice valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png.

  • Killshot: Deal 7 Icon Damage.png Damage to Target Enemy. If attack is Icon Lethal.png Lethal: Roll a dice valued from Symbol D5.png to Symbol D6.png.
    • Upgrade A: Roll 2 dice valued from Symbol D5.png to Symbol D6.png.
    • Upgrade B: Increase base Icon Damage.png Damage dealt by 5.

  • Rockslide: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Target Enemy where X is the value of the die spent to cast. When Icon Depleted.png Depleted: Roll a die valued at Symbol D1.png.
    • Starter Spells do not have upgrades.

  • Sacred Shimmer: Deal 6 Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy. Roll a Icon Dice.png Dice.
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Icon Damage.png Damage dealt by 6.
    • Upgrade B: Add 2 Symbol Charge.png Charge to spell permanently.

Symbol Void.png Void

  • Stellar Ward: Gain 12 Icon Block.png Block. Random other Icon Spells.png Spell gained +2 Symbol Charge.png Charges.
    • Upgrade A: Add 2 Symbol Charge.png Charges to spell permanently.
    • Upgrade B: Increase base Icon Block.png Block gained by 6.

Icon Artifact.png Artifacts




Icon Potion.png Potions

UI Ritual.png Rituals

UI Rune.png Runes


Separates the value of one die into multiple dice; the resulting value of the new dice are randomly rolled.
For example, Splitting a Symbol D6.png will net you Symbol D1.png & Symbol D5.png, Symbol D2.png & Symbol D4.png, or Symbol D3.png & Symbol D3.png.
If an enchanted die is Split by a Spell, all resulting dice will carry the enchantment (Exception: Lathspell).
Split dice do not count as rolls.

Symbol Spells.png Spells

Symbol Fire.png Fire

  • Fragmentize: Split spent Icon Dice.png Dice into Symbol D1.png valued dice.
    • Upgrade A: Increase Mana Socket to accept dice valued from Symbol D2.png to Symbol D5.png.
    • Upgrade B: Gain 2 Icon Power.png Power.

Icon Artifact.png Artifacts

Icon Potion.png Potions


Directly increases the face value of the respective Icon Dice.png Dice.
If a Icon Dice.png Dice is raised above 6, unless otherwise specified, a new die will be produced carrying the excess value.
If an enchanted die's value is increased above Symbol D6.png, new die produced this way will not carry the enchantment.

Symbol Spells.png Spells

Symbol Fire.png Fire

Symbol Earth.png Earth

  • Blossom: +3 Value to target Icon Dice.png Dice.
    • Upgrade A: Enchant targeted Icon Dice.png Dice with Icon Sapling.png Sapling.
    • Upgrade B: Increase base value gained by targeted Icon Dice.png Dice by 2 for a total of 5.

  • Earthsong: Symbol DX.png +1 Value to Target Icon Dice.png Dice.
    • Signature Spells do not have upgrades.

  • Mulch
    • +2 value to lowest unused Icon Dice.png Dice. Return spent Icon Dice.png Dice with -1 value.
    • Signature Spells do not have upgrades.

  • Onslaught: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy, where X is the value of the die spent to cast. If Target is Icon Marked.png Marked: Return spent Icon Dice.png Dicee with -1 Value.
    • Upgrade A: Instead Increase value of spent Icon Dice.png Dice by +1.
    • Upgrade B: Add 2 Symbol Charge.png Charges to Spell permanently.

  • Regrowth: Return Icon Dice.png Dice with +1 value.
    • Signature Spells do not have upgrades.

Symbol Void.png Void

Icon Artifact.png Artifacts

Icon Potion.png Potions

UI Ritual.png Rituals


Directly decreases the face value of the respective Icon Dice.png Dice.
Dice value cannot be reduced below Symbol D1.png.

Symbol Spells.png Spells

Symbol Earth.png Earth

  • Mulch: +2 value to lowest unused die. Return spent Icon Dice.png Dice with -1 value.
    • Signature Spells do not have upgrades.

  • Onslaught: Deal Symbol DX.png Icon Damage.png Damage to Target enemy, where X is the value of the die spent to cast. If Target is Icon Marked.png Marked: Return spent die with -1 Value.
    • Upgrade A: Instead Increase value of spent die by +1.
    • Upgrade B: Add 2 Symbol Charge.png Charges to Spell permanently.

  • Pulverize: Deal 4 Icon Damage.png Damage to Front enemy. Return spent die with -3 Value.
    • Upgrade A: Increase base Icon Damage.png Damage dealt by 2. Return spent die with -2 Value instead.
    • Upgrade B: Add 1 Symbol Charge.png Charge to Spell permanently.


  • Icon Hex Robes.png Hex Robes: Roll +1 Die, valued from Symbol D1.png to Symbol D6.png, at the start of each turn. Start of each turn: Enchant 2 random dice with Icon Vex.png Vex.

Icon Dice.png Back to Top


Gameplay: Icon Tutorial.pngQuick Start Guide  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Elite.pngBestiary  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Event.pngEvents  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Scoring.pngScoring  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Book.pngTomes  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Health.pngHealth Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Blessing.pngStatus Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Book.pngUnlocks  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Void1.pngMutations  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Wizard.pngWizards  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Map.pngWorld Map

Spells: Icon Spells.pngAll Spells  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Ignite.pngBuffs & Debuffs  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Lethal.pngCasting Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Charge.pngCharges  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Utility.pngClasses  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Dice.pngMana Dice  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Rare.pngRarities  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Rune.pngRunes  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Countdown.pngSockets  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Arrow.pngTargeting  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Shard.pngUpgrades

Items: Icon Artifact.pngArtifacts  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Gold.pngGold  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Potion.pngPotions  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Ritual.pngRituals  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Shard.pngShards