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Achievements Book.png Unlocks


Here you will find a table of all the unlocks in the game. Each unlock relative to its Wizard or Tome is made available to unlock after clearing the achievement prior to it. Some prompts will track your progress and others require their values be met completely in order to unlock. With multiple open prompts, you are able to progress or unlock more than one achievement in a run. Progress of achievements will accrue whether you achieve victory in your run or not. We've also listed some potential approaches for unlocking the Vault Artifacts; please note that these guides are entirely subjective, as there are usually multiple ways to perform these feats.

Unlocks Preview.gif

Achievement Unlock Reward Steam
No Requirement Achievements Wizard.png Wizard & Achievements Book.png Tome Lapis & Tome of Protection
Gain 1 Symbol Token.png Token Achievements Wizard.png Wizard & Achievements Book.png Tome Hazel & Tome of Offense
Gain 2 Symbol Token.png Token Achievements Loadout.png Starting Loadout Lapis Loadout B
Gain 3 Symbol Token.png Token Achievements Book.png Tome & Achievements Loadout.png Starting Loadout Tome of Cubomancy & Hazel Loadout B
Gain 4 Symbol Token.png Token Achievements Wizard.png Wizard Azar
Gain 5 Symbol Token.png Token Achievements Book.png Tome & Achievements Loadout.png Starting Loadout Tome of Rituals & Lapis Loadout C
Gain 6 Symbol Token.png Token Achievements Loadout.png Starting Loadout Azar Loadout B
Gain 7 Symbol Token.png Token Achievements Book.png Tome Tome of the Void
Gain 8 Symbol Token.png Token Achievements Loadout.png Starting Loadout Hazel Loadout C
Gain 10 Symbol Token.png Token Achievements Loadout.png Starting Loadout Azar Loadout C
Gain 12 Symbol Token.png Token Achievements Loadout.png Starting Loadout Lapis Loadout D
Gain 15 Symbol Token.png Token Achievements Loadout.png Starting Loadout Hazel Loadout D
Gain 18 Symbol Token.png Token Achievements Loadout.png Starting Loadout Azar Loadout D
Win a game using Symbol Earth.png Earth A. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Earth.png Earth
Win a game using Symbol Earth.png Earth B. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Earth.png Earth
Win a game using Symbol Earth.png Earth C. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Earth.png Earth
Win a game using Symbol Earth.png Earth D. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Earth.png Earth
Reach level 10. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Earth.png Earth
Reach level 2. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Earth.png Earth
Reach level 4. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Earth.png Earth
Reach level 7. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Earth.png Earth
Win a game using Symbol Fire.png Fire A. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Fire.png Fire
Win a game using Symbol Fire.png Fire B. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Fire.png Fire
Win a game using Symbol Fire.png Fire C. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Fire.png Fire
Win a game using Symbol Fire.png Fire D. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Fire.png Fire
Reach level 10. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Fire.png Fire
Reach level 2. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Fire.png Fire
Reach level 4. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Fire.png Fire
Reach level 7. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Fire.png Fire
Win a game using Symbol Water.png Water A. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Water.png Water
Win a game using Symbol Water.png Water B. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Water.png Water
Win a game using Symbol Water.png Water C. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Water.png Water
Win a game using Symbol Water.png Water D. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Water.png Water
Reach level 10. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Water.png Water
Reach level 2. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Water.png Water
Reach level 4. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Water.png Water
Reach level 7. Symbol Token.png Token Symbol Token.png Token Challenges - Symbol Water.png Water
Buy 3 Icon Artifact.png Artifacts from a single shop. Icon Artifact.png Artifact Runic Infuser - Greed is Good
Cast 20 Icon Spells.png Spells in a single turn. Icon Artifact.png Artifact Tempus - Mass Caster
Roll 50 Icon Dice.png Dice in a single turn. Icon Artifact.png Artifact Staff of Splintering - Archmage
Deal 200 Icon Damage.png Damage with a single Icon Spells.png Spell cast. Icon Artifact.png Artifact Tablet of Anger - Devastator
Defeat a boss in the first turn of combat. Icon Artifact.png Artifact Witch Blood - Alpha Strike
Win a battle with 1 Icon Health.png Health remaining. Icon Artifact.png Artifact Skaal - Lucky Survivor
Have 6 Symbol Charge.png Charges on a spell. Icon Artifact.png Artifact Crucible - Spell Focus
Spend 20+ Icon Dice.png Dice to cast a single Symbol Countdown.png Countdown Icon Spells.png Spell. Icon Artifact.png Artifact Bosco's Bell - Countdown Supreme
Have 25+ available Icon Dice.png Dice. Icon Artifact.png Artifact M'olly - Dice Hoarder
Win the game in less than 45 minutes. Icon Artifact.png Artifact Hexed Crown - Speed Slinger
Win the game without losing any Icon Health.png Health. Icon Artifact.png Artifact Karl's Memory - Untouchable
Win the game at Mutation Stage 6. Icon Artifact.png Artifact Everguard - Voidstar
Gain 100 Icon Block.png Block. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of Protection Glaciate
Gain 20 Icon Barrier.png Barrier. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of Protection Transfigure
Apply 50 Icon Weak.png Weak. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of Protection Flame Surge
Kill 30 enemies that are attacking. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of Protection Chemical Reaction
Win 10 Elite battles without taking Icon Damage.png Damage. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of Protection Aspect of Earth
Lose Icon Health.png Health from Icon Spells.png Spells 15 times. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of Protection Reclamation
Deal 500 Icon Damage.png Damage. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of Offense Forbearance
Gain 50 Icon Power.png Power. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of Offense Spirit Arrows
Gain 10 Icon Critical.png Critical. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of Offense Detonation
Gain 25 Icon Hailstorm.png Hailstorm. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of Offense Rime Hail
Kill 10 enemies with Icon Poison.png Poison. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of Offense Bloom Bolt
Kill 10 enemies with Icon Banefire.png Banefire. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of Offense Eruption
Gain 20 Icon Foresight.png Foresight. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of Cubomancy Mental Reservoir
Gain 25 Icon Blessing.png Blessing. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of Cubomancy Relief
Roll 40 Icon Wound.png Wound dice. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of Cubomancy Mutilation
Cast 100 Icon Spells.png Spells with a Symbol Countdown.png Countdown socket. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of Cubomancy Liquify
Roll 200 Symbol D6.png. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of Cubomancy Spirit of the Forest
Cast 15 Icon Spells.png Spells without spending Icon Dice.png Dice. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of Cubomancy Sacrifice
Use 15 Icon Potion.png Potions. Icon Ritual.png Ritual: Tome of Rituals Spellbreaker Shade
Reroll a draft 10 times. Icon Ritual.png Ritual: Tome of Rituals Spellbound Chorus
Sell 10 Icon Spells.png Spells in UI Shop.png Shop. Icon Ritual.png Ritual: Tome of Rituals Lathspell
Collect 5 Void Icon Spells.png Spells. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of the Void Ether Echo
Upgrade Icon Spells.png Spells 15 times. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of the Void Convoke
Retrieve 10 UI Shard.png Shards from disenchanted Icon Spells.png Spells. Icon Spells.png Spell: Tome of the Void Power Nexus

"Mass Caster"

Cast 20 Icon Spells.png Spells in a single turn.

  • There are plenty of Icon Spells.png Spells with 3 Symbol Charge.png Charges available, and with 7 Spell Slots in your hand, you can cast Icon Spells.png Spells a total of 21 times with this alone.
  • The matter here is not only to have enough Symbol Charge.png Charges to cast, but enough Icon Dice.png Dice to cast them.
  • Icon Spells.png Spells that provide Roll or Reroll effects make this achievement easy to accomplish.
  • Icon Artifact.png Artifacts and UI Ritual.png Rituals that would produce additional Icon Dice.png Dice will also help tremendously for spending all your charges.
  • If your build is lacking a few necessary charges, try and collect a couple Icon Energizing Potion.png Energizing Potions or a Icon Flask of Echoes.png Flask of Echoes.

Symbol Water.png Water

Loadout A: Fluctuate

Mass Caster Example1A.png Mass Caster Example1B.png

Loadout B: Mana Inversion

Mass Caster Example7A.png Mass Caster Example7B.png

Loadout C: Waveshift

Mass Caster Example8A.png Mass Caster Example8B.png

Loadout D: Cryogenesis

Mass Caster Example9A.png Mass Caster Example9B.png

Symbol Earth.png Earth

Loadout A: Regrowth

Mass Caster Example3A.png Mass Caster Example3B.png

Loadout B: The Beast Within

Mass Caster Example12A.png Mass Caster Example12B.png

Loadout C: Mulch

Mass Caster Example11A.png Mass Caster Example11B.png

Loadout D: Earthsong

Mass Caster Example10A.png Mass Caster Example10B.png

Symbol Fire.png Fire

Loadout A: Flame Hunger

Mass Caster Example2A.png Mass Caster Example2B.png

Loadout B: Mana Purification

  • The Signature Mana Purification in Azar's Loadout B is mainly utilized to produce Symbol D6.pngs for the most Icon Block.png Block gained while stacking Icon Radiant.png Radiant from Sunshield.
  • Build Icon Radiant.png Radiant from Sunshield over several turns until you can set it off with the first cast of your Mass Caster turn.
  • Once Icon Radiant.png Radiant is set off, we spend Mutilation for all the dice needed for our other Spells, totaling 20 casts in a single turn.
  • Icon Emberstone Ring.png Emberstone Ring was considered here for a strong start with Icon Radiant.png Radiant on the first turn.
  • Icon Staff of Splintering.png Staff of Splintering was considered for providing extra dice for any of our Spells.

Mass Caster Example5A.png Mass Caster Example5B.png

Loadout C: Mana Splinter

Mass Caster Example6A.png Mass Caster Example6B.png

Loadout D: Vigor of Blood

[File:Mass_Caster_Example4A.png|400x400px]] Mass Caster Example4B.png


Roll 50 Icon Dice.png Dice in a single turn.

  • It is important to note that Rerolling Icon Dice.png Dice also counts towards this feat.
  • The Icon Flowing Mana.png Flowing Mana Potion is extremely helpful in this regard.
  • The Symbol Void.png Void Spell Styx can potentially generate enough Icon Dice.png Dice to perform this feat alone.
  • Lapis has the most concentrated Roll and Reroll effects of the 3 Achievements Wizard.png Wizards.
  • Azar's Icon Radiant.png Radiant builds can produce 50 Icon Dice.png Dice in a turn with some careful spending.
  • Hazel may be the least effective, lacking in Roll and Reroll effects, however putting together a Icon Blessing.png Blessing Build with the Icon Spells.png Spell Relief can clear this feat easily.

Symbol Water.png Water

Loadout A: Fluctuate

Achmage Example2A.png Archmage Example2B.png

Loadout B: Mana Inversion

Archmage Example4B.png Archmage Example4.png

Loadout C: Waveshift

Archmage Example7A.png Archmage Example7B.png

Loadout D: Cryogenesis

Archmage Example8A.png Archmage Example8B.png

Symbol Earth.png Earth

Loadout A: Regrowth

Archmage Example5A.png Archmage Example5B.png

Loadout B: The Beast Within

Archmage Example6A.png Archmage Example6B.png

Loadout C: Mulch

Archmage Example3A.png Archmage Example3B.png

Loadout D: Earthsong

Untouchable Example11.png

Symbol Fire.png Fire

Loadout A: Flame Hunger

Untouchable Example6.png

Loadout B: Mana Purification

Archmage Example1.png

Loadout C: Mana Splinter

Untouchable Example9.png

Loadout D: Vigor of Blood

Untouchable Example9.png


Deal 200 Icon Damage.png Damage with a single Icon Spells.png Spell cast.

  • It is important to note that the 200 damage must be dealt with a single strike; dealing a total of 200 Damage through multiple hits of one spell will not count towards this feat.

Symbol Water.png Water

Loadout A: Fluctuate

Devastator Example2.png

Loadout B: Mana Inversion

Devastator Example7.png

Loadout C: Waveshift

Devastator Example8.png

Loadout D: Cryogenesis

  • The Signature Cryogenesis from Loadout D was utilized mainly for the Icon Icy.png Icy enchantment, so to provide as much Icon Fury.png Fury as possible.
  • Our defense spells Frozen Shield, Glaciate, and Ice Ward were then focused on over several turns while Icon Fury.png Fury builds.
  • Matched with the Artifact Icon Frostveil.png Frostveil, each of our defense spells provided additional Icon Fury.png Fury per cast.
  • Once at least 99 stack of Icon Fury.png Fury is built up, Rime Hail will be able to throw 200+ Icon Damage.png Damage in a single strike.

Devastator Example9.png

Symbol Earth.png Earth

Loadout A: Regrowth

Devastator Example4.png

Loadout B: The Beast Within

Devastator Example5.png

Loadout C: Mulch

Devastator Example1.png

Loadout D: Earthsong

Devastator Example6.png

Symbol Fire.png Fire

Loadout A: Flame Hunger

Devastator Example10.png

Loadout B: Mana Purification

Devastator Example11.png

Loadout C: Mana Splinter

Devastator Example3.png

Loadout D: Vigor of Blood

Devastator Example12.png

"Alpha Strike"

Defeat a boss in the first turn of combat.

Symbol Water.png Water

Loadout A: Fluctuate

Alpha Strike4.png

Loadout B: Mana Inversion

Alpha Strike5.png

Loadout C: Waveshift

Alpha Strike6.png

Loadout D: Cryogenesis

  • The Signature Cryogenesis from Loadout D was utilized mainly for its Enchantment effect; providing us with Icon Icy.png Icy dice.
  • Our Icon Plague Pestle.png Plague Pestle artifact is coupled with multiple attack Spells to deal enormous damage for little cost.
  • Noxious Ritual is cast to provide us with extra dice with no concern for the Icon Poison.png Poison setback since there will be no second turn.
  • First, we attack with Incision to gain the Icon Rupture.png Rupture boost for a most effective Icon Pox.png Pox explosion.
  • Then we follow up with as many attacks from Inner Storm as possible; granted we have enough odd valued dice, this will be enough to defeat the boss on the first turn.

Alpha Strike2.png

Symbol Earth.png Earth

Loadout A: Regrowth

Alpha Strike7.png

Loadout B: The Beast Within

Alpha Strike1.png

Loadout C: Mulch

Alpha Strike12.png

Loadout D: Earthsong

Alpha Strike10.png

Symbol Fire.png Fire

Loadout A: Flame Hunger

Alpha Strike9.png

Loadout B: Mana Purification

Alpha Strike11.png

Loadout C: Mana Splinter

Alpha Strike8.png

Loadout D: Vigor of Blood

Alpha Strike3.png

"Lucky Survivor"

Win a battle with 1 Icon Health.png Health remaining.

  • If you can control your Icon Block.png Block or Icon Weak.png Weak enough to determine how much damage you take, it will be easy to manipulate the outcome of any given battle.
  • If you're having difficulty doing this naturally, the simplest way to perform this feat is to allow yourself to take 49 points of damage in the very first combat, then clear the fight.

Lucky Survivor Example.png

"Countdown Supreme"

Spend 20+ Icon Dice.png Dice to cast a single Symbol Countdown.png Countdown Icon Spells.png Spell.

  • Azar may be the only Wizard for clearing this feat; using the Spells Conflagration and Nourish Flames to raise the cost of any given Countdown Spell while utilizing Split and other effects for producing low valued dice.
  • With Azar, there are several Dice Spent effects; using the above mentioned Icon Spells.png Spells to raise the cost of a Dice Spent Spell can perform this feat, but it is important to have enough Icon Block.png Block while you take on the task.
  • See Dice Spent page.
  • See Increase Socket tab on the Sockets page.

Symbol Fire.png Fire

Loadout A: Flame Hunger

Untouchable Example6.png

Loadout B: Mana Purification

Untouchable Example3.png

Loadout C: Mana Splinter

Countdown Supreme Example.png

Loadout D: Vigor of Blood

Untouchable Example9.png

"Dice Hoarder"

Have 25+ available Icon Dice.png Dice.

Symbol Water.png Water

Loadout A: Fluctuate

Dice Hoarder Example2.png

Loadout B: Mana Inversion

Untouchable Example1.png

Loadout C: Waveshift

Untouchable Example7.png

Loadout D: Cryogenesis

Untouchable Example8.png

Symbol Earth.png Earth

Loadout A: Regrowth

  • The Signature Regrowth in Hazel's Loadout A was mainly used here to return value to dice spend in Infuse Scales or to produce Symbol D1.pngs from Symbol D6.pngs for Earth Bane.
  • Over several turns we utilize the spell Styx to provide us with Persisting Icon Stygian.png Stygian dice.
  • Icon Potency.png Potency is also utilized here to increase the dice we start with each turn through the spell Infuse Potency.
  • Icon Sapling's Sphere.png Sapling's Sphere Ritual was considered here as well for the Persisting Icon Sapling.png Sapling dice.
  • We reach 25+ available dice after several turns of spending Styx; be sure to have the defense to deal with enemy attacks until then.

Dice Hoarder Example3.png

Loadout B: The Beast Within

Dice Hoarder Example4.png

Loadout C: Mulch

Dice Hoarder Example5.png

Loadout D: Earthsong

Dice Hoarder Example6.png

Symbol Fire.png Fire

Loadout A: Flame Hunger

Untouchable Example6.png

Loadout B: Mana Purification

Untouchable Example3.png

Loadout C: Mana Splinter

Dice Hoarder Example1.png

Loadout D: Vigor of Blood

Untouchable Example9.png

"Speed Slinger"

Win the game in less than 45 minutes.

  • Part quick-decision-making and part build strength. Try and minimize the time you spend picking your route on each map, picking from drafts, and picking from shop or events.
  • Give yourself 10 minutes to clear Act 1; Deadwoods. Then 15 minutes for Act 2; Scorched Desert. Lastly, 20 minutes for Act 3;The Void.
  • Health can be used here as a time saver; ignore your defense and plan a path with UI Sanctuary.png Sanctuaries for recovery.
  • If you can trust your build, avoid as many battles as you can in the final Act and get to Arkanax ASAP.
  • High Icon Damage.png Damage builds can be good for clearing the first two Acts quickly while you put together some Defense for the final Act.

Symbol Water.png Water

Loadout A: Fluctuate

Untouchable Example5.png

Loadout B: Mana Inversion

Untouchable Example1.png

Loadout C: Waveshift

Untouchable Example7.png

Loadout D: Cryogenesis

Untouchable Example8.png

Symbol Earth.png Earth

Loadout A: Regrowth

Untouchable Example 2.png

Loadout B: The Beast Within

Untouchable Example10.png

Loadout C: Mulch

Untouchable Example4.png

Loadout D: Earthsong

Untouchable Example11.png

Symbol Fire.png Fire

Loadout A: Flame Hunger

Untouchable Example6.png

Loadout B: Mana Purification

Untouchable Example3.png

Loadout C: Mana Splinter

Untouchable Example9.png

Loadout D: Vigor of Blood

Untouchable Example9.png


Win the game without losing any Icon Health.png Health.

  • It is especially important to be mindful of Autocasting Spells for this feat; If a Spell Debuff such as Icon Ignite.png Ignite was to affect a Spell that would be cast automatically, it may ruin your run.
  • Scaling Turtle Builds with high amounts of Symbol Defense.png Defense and sources of Retaliative or Passive Damage can be useful here.
  • You are able to spend your Max Health where possible and still clear this feat.
  • It is important to note that many aspects of the builds presented below are interchangeable.

Symbol Water.png Water

Loadout A: Fluctuate

Untouchable Example5.png

Loadout B: Mana Inversion

Untouchable Example1.png

Loadout C: Waveshift

Untouchable Example7.png

Loadout D: Cryogenesis

Untouchable Example8.png

Symbol Earth.png Earth

Loadout A: Regrowth

  • The Signature Regrowth in Hazel's Loadout A was utilized mainly for reaching Symbol D6.png valued die or increasing the value of a Symbol D6.png to then produce a Symbol D1.png.
  • This made it easy to have enough value for the cost of Transfigure without overspending from your starting roll; Transfigure then used to Icon Deplete.png Deplete Sanctify Shell to give us a chance at another Symbol D6.png.
  • Hazel's Icon Thorns.png Thorns Spell Bramble Growth provide excellent offense and defense while stacking several Defensive Spells.
  • While the combination of Transfigure and Sanctify Shell with the defensive upgrade for Bramble Growth usually provided enough block to allow Icon Thorns.png Thorns to scale; Carapace stood as backup for cheap quick defense.
  • Icon Balanced Manapearl.png Balanced Manapearl was chosen here to hope for Symbol D6.pngs but any extra Even valued die only benefits the build.
  • Our Starter Artifact was exchanged for the Icon Thorned Pendant.png Thorned Pendant which is perfect for this build; hunt for it.
  • Silver Hauberk and Enchanted Cloak provided a good initial defense to kick off Icon Thorns.png Thorns in the first turn without concern.
  • When lower valued dice are rolled, the UI Ritual.png Ritual Fortune's Favor was utilized to raise the value of Icon Dice.png Dice on these turns and ensured that the build cycle can be performed.
  • With the Artifact Icon Tablet of Anger.png Tablet of Anger, and Spells encouraging Depletion, our Icon Fury.png Fury builds with our Icon Thorns.png Thorns to eventually be spent with the Spell Earthquake for a final sweep.
  • The Icon Dreadstone.png Dreadstone Boss Artifact is not recommended for this type of run unless you want the extra challenge. This build contained enough Icon Block.png Block, and there was no risk of defeating an enemy before you could gain the Icon Block.png Block necessary.

Untouchable Example 2.png

Loadout B: The Beast Within

Untouchable Example10.png

Loadout C: Mulch

Untouchable Example4.png

Loadout D: Earthsong

  • The Signature Earthsong in Hazel's Loadout D was utilized to create Symbol D6.pngs, to then build smaller Icon Dice.png Dice off of for creating specific values.
  • It was also used to raise the value of our Icon Ether.png Ether Enchanted die thrown from Icon Etherweave.png Etherweave to a Symbol D6.png to get the most benefit from it each turn.
  • Our Starter Artifact Icon Gaia's Grasp.png Gaia's Grasp provided us with another Persistent die that would be raised to a Symbol D6.png as soon as possible.
  • These 2 Persisting Symbol D6.pngs were used each turn to throw the Desolation spell without concern.
  • If our Icon Ether.png Ether die ran the risk of Autocasting a spell that would be Debuffed, it would simply be spent on the turn before so to prevent unintended damage.
  • Each offensive Spell in this deck provides some form of defense; Icon Weak.png Weak from Hurl Monolith, Icon Dazed.png Dazed from Desolation, and Icon Block.png Block from Maul and Force of Nature.
  • The Icon Marked.png Marked applied from the Instinct Spell would often be coupled with Maul to get the biggest boost in Icon Block.png Block from the Spell's effect.
  • Icon Balanced Manapearl.png Balanced Manapearl coupled with Icon Inner Sun.png Inner Sun gave us hope for high valued die every other turn.
  • Icon Damned Shield.png Damned Shield afflicting Icon Sap.png Sap was a minor setback for our sources of Icon Block.png Block as the Icon Power.png Power it provided for Maul eventually out-scaled it's loss of defense.
  • After boosting our dice to Symbol D6.pngs and spending our lower valued die somewhere, we can manipulate our UI Ritual.png Ritual Icon Refolding Rite.png Manifold Gatestone to specifically target Symbol D6.pngs.
  • These Icon Manifold.png Manifold Enchanted Symbol D6.pngs are then used for a powerful strike from Desolation, and then used for 2 casts of either Hurl Monolith or Maul, depending on what defense is needed.
  • Our UI Ritual.png Ritual Icon Arcane Infusion.png Arcane Infusion was also utilized for increasing the damage output of Maul for the most defensive kickback possible.

Untouchable Example11.png

Symbol Fire.png Fire

Loadout A: Flame Hunger

Untouchable Example6.png

Loadout B: Mana Purification

Untouchable Example3.png

Loadout C: Mana Splinter

Untouchable Example9.png

Loadout D: Vigor of Blood

  • Azar's Self-Damage builds are not recommended for this feat.


Win the game at Mutation Stage 6.

  • It's important to note that some Mutations can become an advantage, depending on your build.
  • A Hazel Icon Deplete.png Deplete / Icon Depleted.png Depleted build would go well with "Diminishment," and an Azar Self-Damage build can benefit from "Bloodletting" or "Tempest."
  • "Condemnation" and "Major Vex" can be utilized when you have specific costs for your spells, especially when lower valued dice are useful for the build.


Gameplay: Icon Tutorial.pngQuick Start Guide  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Elite.pngBestiary  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Event.pngEvents  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Scoring.pngScoring  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Book.pngTomes  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Health.pngHealth Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Blessing.pngStatus Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Book.pngUnlocks  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Void1.pngMutations  Bulletpointdice.png  Achievements Wizard.pngWizards  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Map.pngWorld Map

Spells: Icon Spells.pngAll Spells  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Ignite.pngBuffs & Debuffs  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Lethal.pngCasting Effects  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Charge.pngCharges  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Utility.pngClasses  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Dice.pngMana Dice  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Rare.pngRarities  Bulletpointdice.png  Symbol Countdown.pngSockets  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Arrow.pngTargeting  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Shard.pngUpgrades

Items: Icon Artifact.pngArtifacts  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Gold.pngGold  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Potion.pngPotions  Bulletpointdice.png  Icon Ritual.pngRituals  Bulletpointdice.png  UI Shard.pngShards